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Welcome to Hayden Systems Seahorses, we  having been breeding strong healthy seahorses for many years, so people can buy true aquarium bred seahorses without having a detrimental effect on the wild ones in the seas.   The seahorses we breed are not exposed to all the issues wild caught seahorses have, so live longer in your aquarium.   We have recently moved premises to Norfolk where you can visit and see our amazing seahorses for sale.


Seahorses for sale

We have Hippocampus Erectus ready now.  Please contact us for details

We have a young group of Hippocampus Zosterae, dwarf seahorses and should have some for sale soon.

We have a group of Hippocampus Barbouri, raised here and although these will be the base of our breeding stock, we should have some youngsters read for sale soon. 

